Release Notes Highlights for Pachyderm


January 1, 0001

  • Feature: Datum Batching is now available. Datum Batching is a performance optimization process that enables processing multiple datums sequentially.
  • Feature: The JupyterLab Pipeline Extension (PPS Extension) is now available, allowing users to push notebook code directly into a pipeline to create and run it. This feature is in Alpha, so we encourage you to share your feedback with us as you use it.
  • Enhancement: New RBAC roles have been added to Projects: ProjectViewerRole, ProjectWriterRole, ProjectOwnerRole, and ProjectCreatorRole. You can read about the roles here.
  • Enhancement: The Console UI has undergone some substantial improvements, including a revamped file browser and more detailed information about pipeline and job performance.
  • Enhancement: The Documentation site has undergone a substantial information architecture overhaul, making it easier to find the information you need. Content is now stored in top-level folders that follow the natural progression of learning about and using Pachyderm.


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: Improved handling of symlinks with nullptr check.
  • Enhancement You can now set the name of your connection when using pachctl connect.
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where pachctl list commit was showing inconsistent sizes when used with/without branch.
  • Fix: Resolved an issue that caused the file browser in Pachyderm’s PPS extension to unexpectedly jump back to the top level while inspecting notebook outputs within the /pfs/out directory.


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: Projects without repos are now listed within the Jupyterlab Mount Extension UI.
  • Enhancement: A Project field has been added to the Jupyterlab Pipeline Extension. Previously, you would define the project using the Pipeline Name field (for example, project/pipeline). The default value for the Project field is the ‘default’ project.


January 1, 0001

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where some users upgrading from 2.5.0 to 2.6.x would experience the following error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint 'commit_totals_pkey'.


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: Provenance migration for 2.6 now skips migrating any missing provenance.
  • Enhancement: The Jupyter Pipeline Extension’s entrypoint has been set to run unbuffered so that output is immediately written to stdout.
  • Enhancement: A returned_for field has been added to roles; This field indicates the resources the role is returned for, even if the role wasn’t initially bound to those specific resources.


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: Additional PachD Probe settings (readinessProbe, livenessProbe, and startupProbe) have been added to the Helm Chart values.yaml file for added flexibility. If not specified, the default values are used.
  • Enhancement: General improvements to the upgrade process from 2.4.x > 2.6.5


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: The DAG view in Console has been refreshed to have a new look and feel.
  • Refactor: Cron Triggers have been refactored to perform as expected, where you can set up a scheduled reoccurring event on a repo branch that evaluates and fires the trigger. When a Cron Trigger fires, but no new data has been added, there are no new downstream commits or jobs.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue in Console for users using Safari where the scrollbar wasn’t working as expected.


January 1, 0001

  • Enahncement: You can now create service pipelines via the Jupyter Extension.
  • Enhancement: The logs viewer in Console has been improved to be more performant.


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: GPU support has been added to the Jupyter Pipeline Extension
  • Enhancement: When you create a service pipeline via the Jupyter Extension, the IP address of the created load balancer is now shown.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with branch triggers where filtering by source branch was not working as expected.


January 1, 0001

  • Feature: The preflight check features for 2.7.0 have been backported to 2.6.9. Pachyderm’s helm chart now has a section for preflight checks, allowing you to easily validate whether the upgrade/migrations will be successful via a dry run. This section can be found at pachd.preflightchecks. Simply set enabled: true and set the image.tag to the new version you want to upgrade to. If created the pod named pachyderm-preflight-check shows a status of Completed, you are ready to perform the upgrade. See the Upgrade steps for more information.