View Dashboard

You can quickly tab between projects to get a high-level view of the health of its pipelines and the status of the last 6 jobs from Console’s main dashboard.

How to View Project Statuses From the Dashboard

  1. Open Console.
  2. Select the project you want to view.
  3. View the Project Preview slide-out menu to get an update on the last 10 jobs that ran in the project.
  4. Select a Job to view a breakdown of its subjobs, which includes details like:
    • ID: Subjob ID
    • Pipeline: The pipeline name and version number
    • Datums Processed: The number of datums processed and skipped
    • Started: When the job started
    • Duration: How long the job ran in seconds
    • D/L: The total amount of data downloaded
    • U/L: The total amount of data uploaded
    • Restarts: The number of times the job restarted