PachCTL Shell
The Pachyderm Shell is a special-purpose shell for Pachyderm that provides
auto-suggesting as you type. New Pachyderm users will find this user-friendly
shell especially appealing as it helps to learn pachctl
, type commands
faster, and displays useful information about the objects you are interacting
with. This new shell does not supersede the classic use of pachctl
in your standard terminal, but is a compelling convenience for power users
and beginners alike. If you prefer to use just pachctl
, you can continue to
do so.
To enter the Pachyderm Shell, type:
pachctl shell
When you enter pachctl
shell, your prompt changes to display your current
Pachyderm context, as well as displays a list of available commands in a
drop-down list.

To scroll through the list, press TAB
and then use arrows to move up or
down. Press SPACE
to select a command.
When in the Pachyderm Shell, you do not need to prepend your commands with
because Pachyderm does that for you automatically behind the
scenes. For example, instead of running pachctl list repo
, run list repo

With nested commands, pachctl shell
can do even more. For example, if you
type list file <repo>@<branch>/
, you can preview and select files from that

Similarly, you can select a commit:

Exit the Pachyderm Shell #
To exit the Pachyderm Shell, press CTRL-D
or type exit
Clearing Cached Completions #
To optimize performance and achieve faster response time, the Pachyderm Shell caches completion results. You can clear this cache by pressing F5 forcing the Pachyderm Shell to send requests to the server for new completions.
Clearing the screen #
To clear the screen, press CTRL-L
Limitations #
The Pachyderm Shell does not support standard UNIX commands or kubectl
To run them, exit the Pachyderm Shell or run the commands in a different terminal