View Kubernetes Logs

The kube-event-tail pod in your Pachyderm cluster stores Kubernetes logs which are discarded after a certain amount of time. You can view these logs to obtain insights on key events. There are three event types: informational, warning, and error.

How to View Kubernetes Logs

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Input the following command, replacing user command with pachctl terms:
pachctl  kube-events
  1. Review logs.
LAST SEEN      TYPE    REASON            OBJECT                                         MESSAGE                                                                          
20 minutes ago         ScalingReplicaSet Deployment/pachd                               Scaled up replica set pachd-84f599bccd to 1                                      
19 minutes ago         ScalingReplicaSet Deployment/pachd                               Scaled down replica set pachd-65fc687687 to 0 from 1                             
21 minutes ago         SandboxChanged    Pod/pachyderm-kube-event-tail-84bdc9977d-zkch9 Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.                           
21 minutes ago         Pulled            Pod/pachyderm-kube-event-tail-84bdc9977d-zkch9 Container image "pachyderm/kube-event-tail:v0.0.7" already present on machine    
21 minutes ago         Created           Pod/pachyderm-kube-event-tail-84bdc9977d-zkch9 Created container kube-event-tail                                                
21 minutes ago         Started           Pod/pachyderm-kube-event-tail-84bdc9977d-zkch9 Started container kube-event-tail                                                
21 minutes ago         SandboxChanged    Pod/pachyderm-loki-0                           Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.                           
21 minutes ago         Pulled            Pod/pachyderm-loki-0                           Container image "grafana/loki:2.6.1" already present on machine                  
21 minutes ago         Created           Pod/pachyderm-loki-0                           Created container loki                                                           
21 minutes ago         Started           Pod/pachyderm-loki-0                           Started container loki                                                           
20 minutes ago Warning Unhealthy         Pod/pachyderm-loki-0                           Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503                   
20 minutes ago Warning Unhealthy         Pod/pachyderm-loki-0                           Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503                    
21 minutes ago         SandboxChanged    Pod/pachyderm-promtail-b8plv                   Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.                           
21 minutes ago         Pulled            Pod/pachyderm-promtail-b8plv                   Container image "" already present on machine    
21 minutes ago         Created           Pod/pachyderm-promtail-b8plv                   Created container promtail                                                       
21 minutes ago         Started           Pod/pachyderm-promtail-b8plv                   Started container promtail                                                       
21 minutes ago         SandboxChanged    Pod/pachyderm-proxy-7d757c85bb-zp5ht           Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.                           
21 minutes ago         Pulled            Pod/pachyderm-proxy-7d757c85bb-zp5ht           Container image "envoyproxy/envoy-distroless:v1.24.1" already present on machine 
21 minutes ago         Created           Pod/pachyderm-proxy-7d757c85bb-zp5ht           Created container envoy                                                          
21 minutes ago         Started           Pod/pachyderm-proxy-7d757c85bb-zp5ht           Started container envoy                                                          
21 minutes ago Warning Unhealthy         Pod/pachyderm-proxy-7d757c85bb-zp5ht           Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503                   
21 minutes ago         SandboxChanged    Pod/pg-bouncer-746bb45867-hgd57                Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.                           
21 minutes ago         Pulled            Pod/pg-bouncer-746bb45867-hgd57                Container image "pachyderm/pgbouncer:1.16.2" already present on machine          
21 minutes ago         Created           Pod/pg-bouncer-746bb45867-hgd57                Created container pg-bouncer                                                     
21 minutes ago         Started           Pod/pg-bouncer-746bb45867-hgd57                Started container pg-bouncer                                                     
20 minutes ago Warning Unhealthy         Pod/pg-bouncer-746bb45867-hgd57                Liveness probe failed: psql: error: FATAL:  pgbouncer cannot connect to server
21 minutes ago         SandboxChanged Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.                                 
21 minutes ago         Pulled         Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Container image "pachyderm/worker:2.5.0-alpha.4" already present on machine            
21 minutes ago         Created        Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Created container init                                                                 
21 minutes ago         Started        Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Started container init                                                                 
21 minutes ago         Pulled         Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Container image "pachyderm/example-joins-inner-outer:2.1.0" already present on machine 
21 minutes ago         Created        Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Created container user                                                                 
21 minutes ago         Started        Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Started container user                                                                 
20 minutes ago         Pulled         Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Container image "pachyderm/pachd:2.5.0-alpha.4" already present on machine             
20 minutes ago         Created        Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Created container storage                                                              
20 minutes ago         Started        Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Started container storage                                                              
20 minutes ago Warning BackOff        Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Back-off restarting failed container                                                   
19 minutes ago         Killing        Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Stopping container user                                                                
19 minutes ago         Killing        Pod/pipeline-joins-inner-join-v1-pfrnh   Stopping container storage                                                             
21 minutes ago         SandboxChanged Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.                                 
21 minutes ago         Pulled         Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Container image "pachyderm/worker:2.5.0-alpha.4" already present on machine            
21 minutes ago         Created        Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Created container init                                                                 
21 minutes ago         Started        Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Started container init                                                                 
21 minutes ago         Pulled         Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Container image "ubuntu:20.04" already present on machine                              
21 minutes ago         Created        Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Created container user                                                                 
21 minutes ago         Started        Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Started container user                                                                 
20 minutes ago         Pulled         Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Container image "pachyderm/pachd:2.5.0-alpha.4" already present on machine             
20 minutes ago         Created        Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Created container storage                                                              
LAST SEEN      TYPE    REASON         OBJECT                                   MESSAGE                                                                            
20 minutes ago         Started        Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Started container storage                                                          
20 minutes ago Warning BackOff        Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Back-off restarting failed container                                               
19 minutes ago         Killing        Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Stopping container user                                                            
19 minutes ago         Killing        Pod/pipeline-joins-reduce-inner-v1-jjx6w Stopping container storage                                                         
21 minutes ago         SandboxChanged Pod/postgres-0                           Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.                             
21 minutes ago         Pulled         Pod/postgres-0                           Container image "" already present on machine 
21 minutes ago         Created        Pod/postgres-0                           Created container postgres                                                         
21 minutes ago         Started        Pod/postgres-0                           Started container postgres   

Key Events

Event Description
CrashLoopBackOff A container in a pod keeps crashing and restarting. This typically indicates that there is an issue with the container that needs to be resolved.
FailedScheduling The Kubernetes scheduler is unable to schedule a pod on any node. This typically indicates that there are insufficient resources available in the cluster or that there are constraints set that prevent the pod from being scheduled.
OutOfMemory A container in a pod ran out of memory. This typically indicates that the container needs to be reconfigured with more memory or that there is an issue with the application running in the container that is causing it to consume too much memory.
FailedCreatePodSandBox The Kubernetes API server failed to create a sandbox for a pod. This typically indicates that there is an issue with the node or the network that is preventing the creation of the sandbox.
Evicted A pod is evicted from a node due to resource constraints or other reasons. This typically indicates that the node is running low on resources or that there is an issue with the pod that needs to be resolved.
NodeNotReady A node is not ready to accept pods. This can occur due to various reasons such as network connectivity issues or insufficient resources.
ImagePullBackOff An image pull operation fails. The container runtime is unable to pull the image from the specified registry or repository.
FailedMount A mount operation failed, such as when a volume or configMap failed to mount. This can occur due to incorrect configurations, insufficient permissions, or a missing dependency.
These events are just a few of the many events that can occur in Kubernetes. It’s important to monitor your cluster for these and other events to ensure the health and stability of your applications.