View Pipeline Jobs & Runtimes

You can easily view and compare pipeline jobs and job runtimes from within Console. This can be a great way to measure and compare performance across different job sizes and pipeline versions.

How to View Pipeline Jobs

This view is great for quickly understanding how many datums were processed, if the job required restarts, and how much data was downloaded/uploaded.

  1. Log in to Console.
  2. Navigate to a project.
  3. Select Pipelines.
  4. Find and select the pipeline(s) you wish to list jobs for.
list jobs from Console

You can achieve a similar output from the terminal by using the follwing PachCTL command:

pachctl list jobs --project <project-name> --pipeline <pipeline-name>

How to View Pipeline Runtimes

This view is great for visually comparing processing times between jobs.

  1. Log in to Console.
  2. Navigate to a project.
  3. Select Pipelines.
  4. Find and select the pipeline(s) you wish to view runtimes for.
  5. Select the Runtimes tab.
view pipeline runtimes from Console