Release Notes Highlights for Pachyderm


March 13, 2024

  • Enhancement: The Console now displays a visual distinction between the different types of pipelines and repos.
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the Console did not display which version was running.
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the Jupyter Mount Extension would report the wrong download path for datums.


February 28, 2024

  • Enhancement: General updates to the Console UI, including updated status icons for in-progress jobs.
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where pachctl put file incorrectly placed files with directory prefix instead of at the branch root.


January 31, 2024

  • Enhancement: The Console UI now has UX improvements that better surface the health of your project by providing a quick, searchable dropdown of pipeline and job errors. Users can now also search and filter against their previous jobs.


January 17, 2024

  • Feature: You can now start, stop, and duplicate pipelines in Console.

  • Feature: You can now set project defaults that are passed down to all pipeline specs within a given project. These defaults provide a consistent experience for your data scientists and help manage your cluster. You can manage defaults via the PachCTL CLI or within Console.

  • Enhancement: The “Set Active Project” dialogue in the Console UI has been removed since the action must be performed via the CLI.


November 29, 2023

  • Feature: You can now create and manage pipelines in Console! To showcase this, we’ve added Console steps to all of our tutorials.
  • Feature: You can now set global defaults for your cluster that are passed down to all pipeline specs. These defaults provide a consistent experience for your data scientists and help manage your cluster. You can manage defaults via the PachCTL CLI or within Console.
  • Beta: You can now try out a beta version of our Unified Deployment experience with Determined.
  • Update: Branch triggers now require the trigger branch to exist before adding a --trigger setting to the target branch.
  • Enhancement: All pipeline specification references have been standardized to use camelCase format; use this format going forward when creating pipeline specifications.


January 1, 0001

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with “Get File URL” when authentication is enabled by modifying its functionality to operate on file sets instead of commits, leveraging the capability-based authentication of the file set API.
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where input files from an s3 were being downloaded by the worker’s storage container, causing worker pods to be evicted due to disk pressure. Now, the input files from s3 are not downloaded.
  • Enhancement: Previously, if a user turned off authentication before upgrading, the auth_tokens table would not get migrated. Now, if a user turns off authentication before upgrading, the auth_tokens table will still get migrated.


January 1, 0001

  • Fix: Corrected “Get File URL” functionality by removing leading slashes from output path and restoring support for output path prefixes that was available prior to 2.5.0


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: We now wrap database calls in retries to catch connection flakiness.


January 1, 0001

  • Security: Upgraded Go to 1.20.6 from 1.20.5
  • Security: Added security enhancements to prevent HTTP/2 Stream Cancellation Attacks
  • Enhancement: Added logs to 2.5.0 migration