Proxy HCVs


Proxy is a service that handles all Pachyderm traffic (S3, Console, OIDC, Dex, GRPC) on a single port; It’s great for exposing you cluster directly to the Internet.


# The proxy is a service to handle all Pachyderm traffic (S3, Console, OIDC, Dex, GRPC) on a single
# port; good for exposing directly to the Internet.
  # If enabled, create a proxy deployment (based on the Envoy proxy) and a service to expose it.  If
  # ingress is also enabled, any Ingress traffic will be routed through the proxy before being sent
  # to pachd or Console.
  enabled: true
  # The external hostname (including port if nonstandard) that the proxy will be reachable at.
  # If you have ingress enabled and an ingress hostname defined, the proxy will use that.
  # Ingress will be deprecated in the future so configuring the proxy host instead is recommended.
  host: ""
  # The number of proxy replicas to run.  1 should be fine, but if you want more for higher
  # availability, that's perfectly reasonable.  Each replica can handle 50,000 concurrent
  # connections.  There is an affinity rule to prefer scheduling the proxy pods on the same node as
  # pachd, so a number here that matches the number of pachd replicas is a fine configuration.
  # (Note that we don't guarantee to keep the proxy<->pachd traffic on-node or even in-region.)
  replicas: 1
  # The envoy image to pull.
    repository: "envoyproxy/envoy-distroless"
    tag: "v1.29.3"
    pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  # Set up resources.  The proxy is configured to shed traffic before using 500MB of RAM, so that's
  # a resonable memory limit.  It doesn't need much CPU.
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 512Mi
      memory: 512Mi
  # Any additional labels to add to the pods.  These are also added to the deployment and service
  # selectors.
  labels: {}
  # Any additional annotations to add to the pods.
  annotations: {}
  # A nodeSelector statement for each pod in the proxy Deployment, if desired.
  nodeSelector: {}
  # A tolerations statement for each pod in the proxy Deployment, if desired.
  tolerations: []
  # A priority class name for each pod in the proxy Deployment, if desired.
  priorityClassName: ""
  # Configure the service that routes traffic to the proxy.
    # The type of service can be ClusterIP, NodePort, or LoadBalancer.
    type: ClusterIP
    # If the service is a LoadBalancer, you can specify the IP address to use.
    loadBalancerIP: ""
    # The port to serve plain HTTP traffic on.
    httpPort: 80
    # The port to serve HTTPS traffic on, if enabled below.
    httpsPort: 443
    # If the service is a NodePort, you can specify the port to receive HTTP traffic on.
    httpNodePort: 30080
    httpsNodePort: 30443
    # Any additional annotations to add.
    annotations: {}
    # Any additional labels to add to the service itself (not the selector!).
    labels: {}
    # The proxy can also serve each backend service on a numbered port, and will do so for any port
    # not numbered 0 here.  If this service is of type NodePort, the port numbers here will be used
    # for the node port, and will need to be in the node port range.
      console: 0 # legacy 30080, conflicts with default httpNodePort
      grpc: 0 # legacy 30650
      s3Gateway: 0 # legacy 30600
      oidc: 0 # legacy 30657
      identity: 0 # legacy 30658
      metrics: 0 # legacy 30656
    # externalTrafficPolicy determines cluster-wide routing policy; see "kubectl explain
    # service.spec.externalTrafficPolicy".
    externalTrafficPolicy: ""
  # Configuration for TLS (SSL, HTTPS).
    # If true, enable TLS serving.  Enabling TLS is incompatible with support for legacy ports (you
    # can't get a generally-trusted certificate for port numbers), and disables support for
    # cleartext communication (cleartext requests will redirect to the secure server, and HSTS
    # headers are set to prevent downgrade attacks).
    # Note that if you are planning on putting the proxy behind an ingress controller, you probably
    # want to configure TLS for the ingress controller, not the proxy.  This is intended for the
    # case where the proxy is exposed directly to the Internet.  (It is possible to have your
    # ingress controller talk to the proxy over TLS, in which case, it's fine to enable TLS here in
    # addition to in the ingress section above.)
    enabled: false
    # The secret containing "tls.key" and "tls.crt" keys that contain PEM-encoded private key and
    # certificate material.  Generate one with "kubectl create secret tls <name> --key=tls.key
    # --cert=tls.cert".  This format is compatible with the secrets produced by cert-manager, and
    # the proxy will pick up new data when cert-manager rotates the certificate.
    secretName: ""
    # If set, generate the secret from values here.  This is intended only for unit tests.
    secret: {}