Datum Tries PPS


This is a top-level attribute of the pipeline spec.

"datumTries": int,


The datumTries attribute in a Pachyderm pipeline specifies the maximum number of times that Pachyderm will try to process a datum. When a datum fails to process, either because of an error in the processing logic or because it exceeds the datumTimeout value, Pachyderm will automatically retry the datum until it is successful or the number of datumTries has been reached.

Each retry of a datum is treated as a new attempt, and the datum is added back to the job queue for processing. The retry process is transparent to the user and happens automatically within the Pachyderm system.

Other considerations:

  • datumTries is set to 3 by default if unspecified.
  • Setting to 1 attempts a datum once with no retries.
  • If all tries have been exhausted and processing has not succeeded, the datum is marked as Failed.

When to Use

You should consider setting a higher datumTries count if your pipeline has a large number of datums that are prone to errors or timeouts, or if the datums you are working with have to be imported or fetched (via data ingress) from an external source.