pachctl license update-cluster

pachctl license update-cluster

Update an existing cluster registered with the license server.


This command updates an existing cluster registered with Enterprise Server.

pachctl license update-cluster [flags]


 pachctl license update-cluster --id=my-cluster --address=grpc://my-cluster:1653 
 pachctl license update-cluster --id=my-cluster --user-address=grpc://my-cluster:1653
 pachctl license update-cluster --id=my-cluster --cluster-deployment-id=1234


      --address string                 Set the host and port where the cluster can be reached by the enterprise server.
      --cluster-deployment-id string   Set the deployment ID of the updated cluster.
  -h, --help                           help for update-cluster
      --id string                      Set the ID for the cluster to update.
      --user-address string            Set the host and port where the cluster can be reached by a user.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.


  • pachctl license - License commmands manage the Enterprise License service