pachyderm_worker_datum_count |
Counter |
Counts the number of datums processed by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_worker_datum_proc_time |
Histogram |
Tracks the time spent in user code for datums processed by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_worker_datum_proc_seconds_count |
Counter |
Counts the total time spent in user code by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_worker_datum_download_time |
Histogram |
Tracks the time spent downloading input data by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_worker_datum_download_seconds_count |
Counter |
Counts the total time spent downloading input data by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_worker_datum_upload_time |
Histogram |
Tracks the time spent uploading output data by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_worker_datum_upload_seconds_count |
Counter |
Counts the total time spent uploading output data by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_worker_datum_download_size |
Histogram |
Tracks the size of input data downloaded by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_worker_datum_download_bytes_count |
Counter |
Counts the total size of input data downloaded by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_worker_datum_upload_size |
Histogram |
Tracks the size of output data uploaded by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_worker_datum_upload_bytes_count |
Counter |
Counts the total size of output data uploaded by a pipeline. |
pachyderm_auth_dex_approval_errors_total |
Counter |
Counts the number of HTTP requests to /approval that ended in error. |
pachyderm_auth_dex_http_requests_duration_seconds |
Histogram |
Histogram of time spent processing Dex requests, by response status code and HTTP method. |
pachyderm_auth_dex_http_requests_in_flight |
Gauge |
Tracks the number of requests currently being handled by Dex. |
pachyderm_auth_dex_http_requests_total |
Counter |
Counts the number of HTTP requests handled by Dex, by response status code and HTTP method. |
pachyderm_auth_dex_startup_errors_total |
Counter |
Counts the number of HTTP requests that were rejected because the server can’t start. |
pachyderm_pachd_admin_v2_inspect_cluster_seconds |
Histogram |
Tracks the run time of InspectCluster. |
pachyderm_pachd_auth_v2_who_am_i_seconds |
Histogram |
Tracks the run time of WhoAmI. |
pachyderm_pachd_enterprise_v2_get_state_seconds |
Histogram |
Tracks the run time of GetState. |
pachyderm_pachd_grpc_check_seconds |
Histogram |
Tracks the run time of Check. |
pachyderm_pachd_pfs_v2_list_repo_seconds |
Histogram |
Tracks the run time of ListRepo. |
pachyderm_pachd_pps_v2_list_pipeline_seconds |
Histogram |
Tracks the run time of ListPipeline. |
pachyderm_pachd_report_metric |
Gauge |
Tracks the gauge of the number of calls to reportDuration(). |
pachyderm_pfs_object_storage_cache_evictions_total |
Counter |
Counts the number of objects evicted from the LRU cache. |
pachyderm_pfs_object_storage_cache_hits_total |
Counter |
Counts the number of object storage gets served from cache. |
pachyderm_pfs_object_storage_cache_misses_total |
Counter |
Counts the number of object storage gets that were not served from cache. |
pachyderm_pfs_object_storage_operation_count_total |
Counter |
Counts the number of object storage operations, by storage type and operation name. |
pachyderm_pfs_object_storage_read_bytes_total |
Counter |
Counts the number of bytes read from object storage, by storage type. |
pachyderm_pfs_object_storage_written_bytes_total |
Counter |
Counts the number of bytes written to object storage, by storage type. |
pachyderm_postgres_tx_start_count |
Counter |
Counts the number of transactions that have been started. |
pachyderm_postgres_tx_underlying_start_count |
Counter |
Counts the number of underlying database transactions that have been started. |