Developing on Windows with VSCode

Before You Start

Installation Requirements

You must have all of the following installed before you can start development:

Terminal Settings

  1. Open VS Code.
  2. Open your terminal (ctrl+`).
  3. Add the following to your settings.json:
     "": "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe",

This path may vary depending on where your git bash actually exists.

Getting started

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to a directory you’d like to store Pachyderm.
  2. Clone the pachyderm repo using git clone
  3. Launch Docker Desktop (with Kubernetes enabled) or start minikube.
  4. Provision ~10 GB of memory and ~4CPUs.
    • Via minikube: minikube start --memory=10000mb --cpus=4 --disk-size=40000mb --driver=hyperv
    • Via Docker Desktop: Open Docker Desktop and navigate to Preferences > Resources > Advanced.
  5. Build your pachyderm pachd and worker images via the task docker-build.
    • Option 1: Navigate to Terminal > Run Task…
    • Option 2: Press ctrl+p and input task docker-build
  6. Build and install pachctl.
  7. Launch a Pachyderm cluster by running the task launch-dev.

If the service does not come up promptly (the script never says all the pods are ready), see the Debugging section.


Common Commands

The following commands are used frequently when working with Pachyderm:

  • kubectl get all: lists resources in the ‘default’ namespace, where we deploy locally.
  • kubectl logs -p <pod>: gets the logs from the previous attempt at running a pod; a good place to find errors.
  • minikube logs: gets the logs from minikube itself, useful when a pod runs into a CreateContainerError.
  • docker container ls: lists recently used or in-use docker containers; used to get logs more directly.
  • docker logs <container>: gets the logs from a specific docker container.


  • Docker can get confused by command-line windows-style paths; it reads : as a mode and fails to parse.
  • You may want to export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 to prevent the automated conversion of unix-to-windows paths.
  • Kubernetes resource specs (specifically hostPath) do not work if you use a windows-style path. Instead, you must use a unix-style path where the drive letter is the first directory, e.g. /C/path/to/file.
  • Etcd may fail to mmap files when in a directory shared with the host system.

Full Restart


If you’d like to completely restart, use the following terminal commands:

minikube delete
kubectl delete pvc -l suite=pachyderm 
minikube start --memory=10000mb --cpus=4 --disk-size=40000mb