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Local Installation Guide

Learn how to locally install and use the JupyterLab Mount Extension.

Before You Start #

  • You must have a Pachyderm cluster running.
  • Install Jupyter Lab (pip install jupyterlab)
  • Install FUSE

Local installation of FUSE requires a reboot to access your Startup Security Utility and enable kernel extensions (kexts) after you have downloaded all of the necessary pre-requisites.

Local Installation Steps #

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Navigate to your downloads folder.
  3. Copy the mount-server binary you downloaded from the pre-requisites into a folder included within your $PATH so that your jupyterlab-pachyderm extension can find it:
    sudo cp mount-server /usr/local/bin
  4. Open your zshrc profile:
    vim ~/.zshrc
  5. Create a /pfs directory to mount your data to. This is the default directory used; alternatively, you can define an empty output folder that PFS should mount by adding export PFS_MOUNT_DIR=/<directory>/<path> to your bash/zshrc profile.
  6. Update the source by restarting your computer or executing the following command:
    source ~/.zshrc
  7. Run jupyter lab.

If you have an existing pachyderm config file at ~/.pachyderm/config.json, the extension automatically connects to the active context. Otherwise, you must enter the cluster address manually in the extension UI.